Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Definitely fell off the wagon there for a couple of days. >=[ My two sisters came to town for a surprise visit, and that was that. I haven't eaten horribly, but it hasn't been as clean as I've wanted. I've had a few very good workouts, but there just doesn't seem to be time in some of these days to fit it in -- which is definitely not true. I need to make time.

Ate very clean today, though I didn't get the workout in due to the hectic school schedule and a massage to give. Tomorrow will be another clean day though, and Rusty's class in the evening.

At Monday night's kettlebell class, I swung an 80 lbs. kb x 40 after the workout. I was pleased :) I'll need to try it fresh next time. I'm sort of curious how many times I could swing the beast... too bad there isn't one readily available.

The new snatch standards for the RKC Cert. Snatch Test look good. My initial reaction when I saw the modified rules was that it would be way easier, until I saw the increase in reps. Definitely doable, you just need the stamina and a lot of determination.

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