Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Ahhh, so much to do, so much to work on, so much to improve! This is the way of things. To reach one's fullest potential, there is no ceasing. That doesn't mean don't have a good time -- just don't stagnate. Never stagnate! Except for Winston. He lives in perpetual stagnation and gets away with it. He can drive a car while stagnating:Hmm...

Well, getting off topic. Life is a ceaseless journey of self-exploration, self-awareness and self-improvement, all so we can live life as fully for ourselves and others as is possible. And I do mean for others AND for ourselves -- both are important.

I'm am nearing the point of bumping into Procrastination -- someone whom I've avoided quite well so far. Ta-ta for now, have a lovely evening!


Anonymous said...

Call me a cynic but I don't think Winston is the only being that can drive and stagnate at the same time.


Laura Nepodal said...

You are a cynic!

Doug Nepodal Sr. RKC said...

That dog rocks!!!!