Friday, February 6, 2009

On thoughts.

I am overcome by the possibilities of this world. I am in a state of hypersensitivity, where the smell of the fresh, green, just rained-upon earth makes my head swim, and the feel of chilly raindrops on the skin of my upturned palms sends a thrill through my core. And all it takes is simply stopping and listening. How much gets taken for granted each and every moment and millimoment.

I'd love to be always adventuring, constantly exposed to newness and growth in all of its forms, with a haven of familiarity and love to return to each night. I wish I could walk every inch of this earth and show her how much I adore her and want to explore and love every part of her body. I wish I could touch the lives of people everywhere and take away sorrow and pain; I long to help in some drastic way that would assist in turning this world towards healing, rather than destruction. How is it so incredibly difficult for some people to see that we're all one blood, one flesh, and indivisible fibers in the fabric of reality? How can we possibly hate, or long for another person's death? No, there will never be unconditional love for the entirety of the human race; it's rare enough as it is.

What if we always lived with intention, though? No, I can't always be traversing the world, not at this point in my life. Yet who's to say that I can't live with utter fulfillment and excitement for each day? It's one thing to let the current of routine pull you down the waterways of each day, body limp and subject to being battered by unseen obstacles and debris, before you're swept onto shore for the evening where you lay with the discomforts of the day. These wounds were given without your say, certainly; yet the nursing of them is now your responsibility, as was the choice to lay back and allow yourself to be drawn along.

We are all led by this current, there is no escaping that. It is an entirely different affair to choose to swim, to jump from boulder to boulder, than to be drawn along. Yes, you may slip and break a bone, or be hurt in some other way; if you're going to live this though, why not as fully as possible? You may hurt yourself substantially along the way, but you own it, and it was damn worth it. Make everything count! Even if you have to go to school all day, or work, or have a family to take care of, do it all with intention! Make each and every activity your own, and dedicate it to the cause of your own fulfillment, the benefit of someone else, the journey of growth, or anything that drives you. This life is yours to do with as you will; make happiness and love your own, as well.

End ramble. I hope all of you have a lovely day. Do something that moves you! :)

A bundle of thoughts
On a dirty cloth perfumed
To tell you who you are
A bundle of thoughts
On a lonely ghost pursuit
Lost inside the space for this

Raise my arms
Space, wake my eyes
Space, grace my heart

Can I be the space for this
Will I be the space for this
Breathe in, breathe out
Must I bend the sky to realize

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