Friday, December 26, 2008

That deadlift thing

It's barely 5:00 and I'm dragging. I've not been sleeping enough/very well the past few nights... gonna have to do something about that...

I did a short deadlift workout today. Warmed up with 135 lbs, then tried pulling 275 and wasn't able; I successfully pulled 265 a few minutes later though. Engage the lats, chin down, feet under the bar, get wide in the hips, MAINTAIN TENSION! It's been a couple of months since I've deadlifted, so I was pleased that I haven't lost it at all. Did reps with 135, 185 and 225. The weight felt sort of heavy today, but I'm attributing that to general fatigue. My shoulders started firing after awhile, so I decided not to push it since kettlebells are tomorrow.

Two weeks until I leave for Wisconsin -- what was I thinking??? If you read this Anna, it's obviously because I love you; freezing cold sounds IDEAL!

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