Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Welcome, me

Well, all I really have to say right now is that my ass, hamstrings and adductors are sore as hell from Russian Kettlebell class yesterday. Which you shouldn't mistake as a complaint, because it's fucking great. Just bought my own pair, and I'm determined to really own this. I've made immense changes to my physique in the last couple of years, and I'm ready to get exactly to where I want to be.

On another note: People get so comfortable in their space, and don't seem to realize that there's so much more beyond their daily routine. Is that me being too uncomfortable with the idea of settling down, or is it truly an issue of others? More importantly, I guess that doesn't really need an objective answer, just my own.


Doug Nepodal Sr. RKC said...

Good to have you back in class, you rock!!!!

Being comfortable is easy, trying new things makes people uncomfortable so they don't move out of their comfort zone. Sucks to be them.

Anonymous said...

I knew that kettlebells would wind up being your thing! =D

Getting comfortable is a symptom of not wanting something bad enough. Unless of course people are just looking for an even cozier spot to nestle into within an already cushy life.

Anonymous said...

By the way, don't stagnate on writing on this blog, Laura. I miss reading all of your stuff. Maybe I need to reactivate facebook.... =(