Friday, January 1, 2010

Another day

I had never attempted the SSST (Secret Service Snatch Test) before. After watching Doug do 45 minutes of Turkish Get Ups without rest with a 24kg (solid all the way through! So awesome to watch!), it felt right to do 10 minutes of work.

We set the GymBoss at 1 minute increments, and I did 10 snatches R/L at the top of every minute. In this way, I ended with 210 reps (added 5 R/L in the last set) at the end of 10 minutes.

I wasn't going for numbers, so much as overcoming the mental mindf*ck aspects of the SSST. Now that I've done that, I'm going to keep doing it, and eventually reach 300 reps. I have no doubts I can achieve this.

On another note, I've been thinking a lot about writing lately. My mind has been teasing the idea of a novel... we'll see what unfolds in this year...


Boris said...

Well done! I enjoyed your "Each Time We Live" post - very good.

Laura Nepodal said...

Thank you, Boris! It always means a great deal to hear that anything I've written has touched or affected people in any way. I appreciate the compliment. :)

Happy New Year!