Sunday, August 16, 2009


I took it very easy this last week with training. Both shoulders were feeling a bit painful in the same spot, and my entire body just seemed to be recovering slowly. Feeling well rested and up to snuff, I did the snatch test yesterday and completed it in 3:55 without too much effort; did some TGU with the 24kg, slow and controlled; some snatches with the 24kg; and the rest of the six basics with a 16kg bell. Everything felt solid.

The next two weeks before the cert will consist of a very clean diet and workouts to maintain conditioning/strength. I was hoping to get a VO2 Max workout in, 15:15: protocol, prior to the certification, but at this point I don't want to play around with tearing my hands up with less than a fortnight until Judgement Day(s). I'm nervous, but ohhhh so excited... :)

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