Monday, January 19, 2009

Cooked flexors, anyone?

Whew. It's been a forearm-intensive sort of couple of days. Then again, most of the physical activities I do are just that - kettlebells, BJJ, rock climbing, massage. Grip much? No complaints, I love it all, but it can get a little nuts when it's all back-to-back. I went climbing yesterday, and am pleased to be making gradual progressions. I pushed a little too far though, and as a result I totally fatigued my forearms. It just so happened that KB class tonight was a lot of grip-oriented exercises: 5 minutes of TGUs with the 16kg, bear crawls with the 16kg, and a 3-set circuit of swings, 10 - 20 - 30 with 32kg - 24kg - 16kg bells respectively. The arms didn't explode though, which is always a plus, so all is well. It's fantastic, really.

I'm in such a wonderful state of being. I don't remember the last time I felt this happy, nor this content with everything. At the same time, I'm more excited than ever about the future. I feel so grounded and settled in my skin, completely certain of myself, though not carelessly overconfident. I know myself. I feel utterly filled and grateful for everything. Life is so good.

Cheers to all!

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