Friday, October 3, 2008

Strength and conditioning with Dr. Rusty Smith

Last night's strength and conditioning class was a tough one. I was feeling pretty out of it physically and mentally since all I've had this week was school, homework, studying, sleep, repeat cycle. However, class rocked, and I felt a lot better after.

With no rest, minus to get water to drink:

-Started with some stretches and circulations to open up the neck, shoulder, core, hip flexors, groin, ankles.
-Easier version of tiger crawls for 20 yards.
-Inch-worm with leg raise, 20 yards.
-A & B skips, 20 yards each.
-Side shuffles, 20 yards each.
-Side skips, 40 yards.
-Crossovers, 40 yards.
-Reach-over lunges, 20 yards each leg.
-Tiger crawls, hard version, 20 yards.
-Frog crawls? I have a feeling he made this up on the spot... nice for opening up the groin, though. 20 yards.
-Walking lunges with 12 kg kettlebell in the rack, 20 yards each arm.
--Now it starts: Stability ball & kettlebell mix-up (no rest):
-20 swings with a 24 kg, two-handed.
-Russian twists on the stability ball, using a 12 kg kettlebell.
-8 chest presses with a 12 kg kettlebell with back on the stability ball
-20 swings one-handed, 10x10 RL with 24 kg
-10 standing military press with 12 kg kettlebell
-20 swings alternating one handed, 10x10 RL with 24 kg
-10 body-weight squats.
-8 chest presses with a 12 kg kettlebell with back on the stability ball
-20 pikes on the stability ball: Push-up position with toes on the ball, pull the ball in towards your arms by raising up hips.
-30 swings with 24 kg, two-handed.
-10 slingshots in either direction
-30 seconds of push up position belly-slaps.
-10 swings with 24kg kettlebell, two-handed.
-10 ass-to-the-grass body weight squats
-30 seconds of jumping jacks.
-20 swings, 24 kg kettlebell.
-10 Supermans/womans on stability ball.
-20 swings two-handed, 16 kg kettlebell.
-8 standing military press with 12 kg kettlebell.
-20 swings two-handed, 16 kg kettlebell.

DONE! This took an hour. I'm pretty sure I forgot a few things in there.

Kick my ass and call me a sweaty puddle of triumph.

1 comment:

Adam said...

Thats a ton of work in one hour, great stuff