Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Week 2, Workout 5 - Seven week deadlift cycle


I just looooove them...

225 lbs, 2x5 with 5 minutes of rest between sets.

The weight felt good; relatively easy, honestly.  I did feel a little bit of a pinchy sensation in my right hip flexor during a few pulls though, which I felt on a couple of reps last week.  I'll do some focused stretching and mobility work on my hips in the next week and see if it doesn't resolve the issue.  Might also have Doug watch my next DL workout to see if I'm doing something funky with my form that I'm not feeling...

It's a ridiculously GLORIOUS day out - time to go enjoy it. :)

EDIT: So Dougie and I ended up rock climbing... honestly, probably not the most intelligent thing to do on a deadlift day.

Did a first ascent on a new 5.10 route; did a second ascent on a V3; and then LABORED my way up a 5.12.  I felt cooked before I started it, and it was not a pretty ascent, although I did make it... Definitely going to need to go back and work it again until its smooth - and not on a deadlift day.

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