Monday, October 12, 2009

Tough Love - of the pulling variety

Holy crapola. Training tonight was diverse and rough. Since we've been training at Fueled, we've had access to a lot of nasty tools: huge tires, sleds, rubber plates, etc.

Tonight's lineup:

-Warmed up with 2 sets of armbars; Get ups with 24kg kb, 3 sets of singles each side; 2 sets of deadlifts, 225 lbs., for 5 reps.
-4 sets of 16kg snatches, 10 reps each set. I've been pretty mellow with the snatches, easing back into them because my hands still feel a bit tender at times (particularly after deadlifts)
-The Circuit of the Eve :)
1) Goblet squats, 16kg
2) Sled pulls, 50 yards (this was the timer)
3) Hot potato, 16kg

A little elaboration on the sled pulls: For one other participant (Dale) and myself, we had to pull a 45 lbs. plate - oh, and yes, for the first 25 yards, we had to pull Doug on the sled as well :) So... 235 lbs? That's tough love! And oh so excellent. (The owner of the gym liked the spectacle, so I should be getting a video of that posted soon).

Completed two sets this way, then did two sets of the following:

1) Military press, 16kg
2) Sled push - 45 lbs.
3) Swings, 16kg

The pushes did not include the Dougie mass this time, but were very difficult. Everyone rocked it, though!

-One-arm, one-leg planks. 2 sets on each side, 25 seconds a set.
-Hardstyle sit ups, 2 sets of 5 reps


The variation from the norm was a killer, but it felt awesome. And I will definitely continue to feel it tomorrow, I'm sure!

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