Friday, April 17, 2009


Life continues on. Newness blossoms, routine matures, rubbish rots.

I'm feeling off-balance today for whatever reason. A lot has been on my mind, and I just feel anxious and pensive. I feel slightly detached from myself, like nothing is quite firing properly. Everything's fine, I just don't quite feel it today.

My workout today felt brutal; with two 12kg bells, I did 5 reps of front squats, snatches, military press, clean and push press, and then front squats again, for 5 sets. I'm definitely feeling Jiu-Jitsu from yesterday, particularly in my adductors and quads, and also along my thoracic spine where I was dropped. I'm still really enjoying BJJ though, it provides an excellent challenge and is always a good time.

TGU with the 32kg is stronger each time I do it.

I'm still doing the Warrior Diet, too. I've definitely gotten stronger on it, and I've had several people comment on noticable muscle gain within the last month and a half or so, particularly in my arms/shoulders. I feel good on the diet, my weight has levelled out -- still looking to lose, but I'm relatively content for the time being -- and I enjoy the undereating vs. overeating process, so I'll be sticking with it for now.

A Perfect Circle - 3 Libras

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