Today was a deadlift day again. I attempted a max which was pointless since I tried for it last week and didn't get it, but that's okay. I also threw in some T-Bar rows at the end since I had the desire to do them.
Warmed up with 135 lbs. x 10
Max attempt: 275 lbs x 0. I got it off the ground, but it wasn't going up.
2 sets of 225 lbs, x 5
3 sets of 185 lbs, 8 x 8 x 7
T-Bar Rows:
4 sets of 185 lbs., x 10
I had a man come up to me at the end of my warm up and ask me how long I've been lifting for, and said I was the strongest woman he'd seen. It's not the first time someone's approached me, especially when doing deadlifts, but it got me thinking: I wish women weren't so afraid to explore their strength and fulfill that potential! It's too bad when the sight of a strong woman illicits shock. To each her own, truly. I just wish that women would realize that they aren't going to look like a Hulkette if they so much as look at a kettlebell or barbell.
1st happy belated new year! 2nd I agree that the dogma that is placed on women to be strong is stupid. I like the excuse that women use when I talk to them about KB training, I don't want to get big and bulky like a guy. Best comback line for that that I learned. There are two things you need to get bulky like a guy,
1. Grow some testicles
2. Take anabolic steroids
More women do need to embrace their strong side of physicality
Happy New Year to you, too!
Exactly! Like I tell women when they actually are willing to talk about weight lifting, it's going to take A LOT of conscious effort to get bulky and the use of some crazy stuff. I don't understand not caring to be able to do be strong enough to take care of yourself. Again, to each her own, though.
Was this at Y or HC? Well at either place I suppose you'd be impressing the mortals. Excellent job.
Let's hope the women who are easily scared will get tired of spending money on some infomercial crap and stop sitting around like a gerbil (Pavel's line) and take real initiative.
Man... Screw gerbils. Gerbilian society is a grievous and tyrannical scar upon this planet's history.
Tim, it was at the Y. Tends to be the place that I get stared at like I was walking around with my pants on my head.
People will continue to spend money on products that they promise them quick and relatively effortless results, no matter how much that is in the long run. Only when a person is willing to face the reality that it takes hard work, dedication, and yes, breaking a sweat, to attain their fitness goals will they be willing to relinquish the fabrications of modern informercials.
Honestly, the gerbils are probably just plotting. They're sinister in spirit.
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