Ahh, it's good to be back in California. When I stepped off the plane in Santa Barbara at 8:00 PM into 65 degree weather as opposed to the -12 degrees it had been in Chicago when I stepped on, it was a beautiful thing indeed. It was the very best return, there's no other way I'd rather be welcomed home.
It was very tough saying goodbye to my sister. The last night I was there, she, her boyfriend Adam and I had just finished watching
The Prestige and were laying snuggled up under down comforters and flannel sheets when it hit me how much I miss her when I don't see her. I'm so fortunate to have such a family that I actually miss them when I don't get to see them. Not just some of them, I mean each and every one of them. I feel much the same way about my extended family, as well. I'm so grateful.
The trip was a nice reprieve, and it allowed me time to rest my body from training and to take a holiday from trifles and larger issues. However, I woke up this morning at 7:30 refreshed and felt very ready to get back on track. I showered, ate breakfast, then took my 16 kg kettlebells down to the lawn and did a workout.
Everything was done with a 16kg (or two, if indicated):
-Started with some shoulder mobility warm ups, did a few snatches with the 12kg to see if they felt all right on the left shoulder -- which they did!
-Snatch Test - 80 reps, switched hands after 20 reps, no rest. Steady tempo, done in 3:30. No pain in the shoulder!!
-5 sets of 5 double front squats
-5 minutes of TGU, switching sides at the bottom
-3 sets of 5 boot-strap squats
-2 sets of 20 alternating swings
Completed the workout in 35 minutes.
I'm going to see how many snatches I can get done in the 5 minute span next time.
It felt fantastic to do that. The rest of the day will entail going to the beach and possibly rock climbing. I'll post some pictures of my first sledding experience (done in 0 degree weather) soon; I need to enjoy the sun now though. Cheers!