The above was said to me by my good, then-extremely belligerent friend. I'm pretty sure he was paying me a compliment, and I definitely don't know what it means.
Can I just say that drunks, while they can be amusing, can also suck? I went downtown Saturday evening and met up with some friends who had been out for awhile already, and they dragged me on to the dance floor, which I was happy to do. But I was not dressed up for the event, and was wearing flip flops, which was the wrong choice, because apparently drunks drop their tall glasses of beer, and don't pick them up! The club was naturally da
I just got back from an overnight camping trip with my girlfriends, which was a blast. We had some issues getting to the final destination that resulted in a lot of off-roading in a Scion tC, i.e. NOT 4WD, but I was getting a kick out of it. The evening consisted of hard cider, very crunchy burritos made over the fire, a bunch of crappy, tasty camp food, and cold. Yes, it was cold; ice = cold, and there was
my sweatshirt that I left outside this morning. I don't think anyone slept all that much, but it was a good time. Threw some food down the chute and went on a two hour hike, which was beautiful and refreshing. It's always good to take time to get outdoors and absorb that energy... everything is much clearer when all of the distractions and modern "noise" are dissipated.
1 comment:
Haha I'd like to hear an explanation of what it is to be lord of the rings. Pretty rockin compliment if you ask me!
How is your foot doing now? I forgot to ask after it.. Those picture make it look like a fun trip!
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