Wednesday, November 19, 2008


The ability to determine for yourself your own worth is everything. Until then, you're simply a child who is dependent on others for sufficiency.

Things are settling down again. The fire is out. The journey continues. School is winding down. This weekend is going to be great: up to Sacramento for Pavel's stretching and abs seminars. Speaking of abs: ow. Mine are still shot from Monday's class.

I've been working single rep TGUs with a 24kg KB. I posted a video of me doing a 24 kg TGU on Facebook to see what sort of reactions I'd get. It was pretty much as I expected it would be:

Non-athletes with semblance of etiquette: "So... the black thing is heavy, you lifted it with one arm, and that's impressive... right?"
Non-athletes that don't give a crap: "Uh, okay, why would you post a video of yourself doing that?"
Athletes, or those who are just plain metal: "Fuck, that's epic."

And through it all, I continue to explore the inside of my head and the expansiveness of the world, while pondering the seemingly-suppressing walls in the immediate area. If there are walls though, there are options: turn around and pretend it isn't there; try to walk around it; try to exist with it and climb over it; or knock it down. I think I'm going to need to do a combination of these things with my own walls.

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