Friday, October 24, 2008

Order -- and triumph!

I feel powerful today. I feel very settled in my skin, and I feel solid and ready for any challenge.

I feel like things have been sort of out of order lately, so I'm putting things back into it. Starting with my room and car... ~shudder~ No small tasks, those.

I'm planning on owning deadlifts this afternoon. I'll post again with an update of my success!

Yesterday I did 5 minutes of TGUs yesterday with a 12 kg KB, and then 6 minutes of TGU/Swings with the 12kg/16kg, 1 minute of each. Also did some military press, BUP, deck squats, snatches and H2H.

So just about an hour ago, did them deadlifts, and I was very surprised... well no, actually, I wasn't.

I did a quick warm up with 135 lbs., one set of 10 reps. I wanted to be fresh when I attempted my max, which I really wanted to do since last time was weak and was attempted at the end of the workout. After the warm up set I laced on 235 lbs., and geared myself up for it, getting myself stoked and pumped. Get in solid form, pull -- and it flies up. It felt light. Okay... well, maybe I'll do 245 lbs. No -- I'll try 255 lbs., instead. But wait... why not go for a new PR, and try 260 lbs. instead?

I lace on 260 lbs - two 45 plates, one ten, one five, and one two-and-a-half on either side -- walk around for a bit, and get in position. I pull, and it was tough, but I'm very certain I got it locked out without any bend in the back at all. I held it for a few seconds at the top before I lowered it.

I was grinning hugely after this, and I think everyone thought I was a little loony, except for the guy who watched me pull the weight. I did a couple of sets of 5 reps of 185 lbs., and called it good. Short, but oh so sweet.

285 lbs. doesn't sound so daunting! I'm so stoked. And I'm looking forward to KB class tomorrow.


Nikki Shlosser said...

Congratulations!! Huge pull, I'm totally impressed.

Laura Nepodal said...

Thanks, Nikki! =) I was totally stoked, for sure. I appreciate the support a lot!

Franz Snideman said...

Great Deadlift numbers!
