Saturday, October 11, 2008

Not much to say

Well, nothing much to report today. My back in the lumbar and thoracic regions is very sore from yesterday's workout, as are the traps. I ate pretty decent today, though I must admit that I allowed myself to have a little bit of a cheat day -- my sister's in from out of town, which really doesn't mean anything diet-wise, but I was pretty good overall.

I woke up feeling kind of crappy physically this morning, was really nauseous all day, which wasn't fun during 3 hours of giving massages... it was fine, though. I ended up taking the day easy, and I'm still not feeling very good, but I'm going to get a workout in tomorrow - the Gymboss came, which means grad workout is on the horizon! That also means I need to start gearing up towards V02 stuff...

Today felt like autumn -- I LOVED it. The sun was warm, but the air was cool and crisp, and there was a chill breeze much of the day. Perfect day for a hike, hopefully there'll be more like it in the near future!

I hope everyone's well. Cheers.

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