All right.
I've had these resolutions before, and it's been awhile since I've resolved to make them public to the extent of keeping a public journal on it, but here it goes.
I want to reach my physical goals. I've made huge strides, but I'm not where I want to be. So until November 9th -- for the next month to start with, anyway -- I'm going to make daily updates about what I've eaten, and what workout I've done. I'm going to eat STRICTLY to my metabolic typing -- mixed, at this point -- and eat CLEAN. There aren't any birthday or anything like that coming up, so there's no excuse to not be on top of this! My schedule is pretty damn busy and full, but this is my health and my happiness, and it needs to happen whether it's easy or not -- and it's never easy.
No one else is going to make things happen but me, and that's how it should be.
Some short and long term fitness-related goals that I have for myself:
-Get RKC Certified in August, 2009.
-Train for the RKC Cert. I plan on doing a damn good job of roasting that beast and eating it whole.
-Snatch the 24kg 20 times with each arm. I'm at 9 right now.
-Barbell Deadlift 285 lbs. After that, 300 lbs.
-Cut. I've made a lot of progress, but I keep hitting this plateau. My diet keeps slipping back into maintenance. Outline of the abs ain't enough -- I want the whole package!
-Increase shoulder and chest strength. Everything else tends to get stronger without any problem and I maintain that strength, but these two areas need particular attention -- so they'll be getting it.
-15:15 Max V02 Protocol.
-Master the pistol.
-Incorporate more pull-ups into my routine.
So there it is! This is happening.
Those are excellent goals and you are definitely going to accomplish all of them. I think you should set the specifics though so that your goals are more clear and thus more attainable.
-How many pullups by when?
-How many times per week or per day will you practice pistols?
-Set a date for how long your cut needs to go for.
-Which exercises and with which weights will indicate that you are strong enough in the chest and shoulders?
That kind of stuff. The more specific you are the more you (and your readers) can keep your self in line with your goals. Awesome job Laura, I can't wait to see how things go!
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm getting there; I needed to get this out though, and I don't have time to write the logistics out tonight. I did set the date for the cut -- November 9th, to start with.
I'll post more details tomorrow or Friday when I have time.
Those are some insane goals. I would be keen on helping you anyway I can. Your health IS your happiness, I am glad you are tackling both.
Thanks for the encouragement and the offer of help, Will! I appreciate both a lot -- I'm sure I'll definitely be taking you up on your offer of help, especially concerning the Max V02 Protocol.
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