I drove up to Paso Robles on Tuesday to visit relatives that I have there. One family in particular owns a ranch with a lot of acreage and have their own vineyard as well. On this ranch they have horses, cattle, dogs, cats, chickens, and a toad named Cornelius. <--(Yes, Corny is important, too).

As it got to be a little later in the day, and after screwing around in the pool with my cousins, I decided to take one of the ATVs around the property. There happened to be a rifle holster of sorts attached to the ATV, which made me want to shoot. Buddy, my cousins' yellow lab, jumped up behind me though and decided he wasn't going anywhere unless it was with me. So with a dog at my back, a rifle at my side, and an ATV between my legs, I set off to roaming the ranch.
Old faithful, indeed. My shoulder was good and soaked after awhile from Buddy's exciting salivating, though I was just happy to have a dog around me again.

Honestly, here's my ideal: Live out an adventurous, FUN, exciting life, and when I get to a settling down sort of age, settle down on my own ranch and have my own livestock that I care for and grow most of my own food. Then again, I might just want to be as crazy as I can be for as long as possible! This is my conflict: Plan it, or wing it?
Look at this snarfle beast: Have you ever seen a more beautiful mug than Kelly's? I loooove the bullydogs!
The next day I hefted several hundred pounds of firewood into the back of a pickup in 97 degree heat with my cousin, and then did a kettlebell work out later on. I love this stuff, all of it!
I'm getting sort of apprehensive about my upcoming schedule once school starts. I'm making it a point to continue going to kettlebells and strength and conditioning classes still. Monday and Wednesday my days will be going from 8:00 - 5:30 with school alone, with a Friday morning class as well, and with those additional classes my days will be pretty damn full. I'm also going to be taking a Sports Massage class Thursday nights from 5:30 - 10:00, while continuing to do massage clinics during the days where I can fit them in. I'm looking forward to all of this, and the big days will be worth all that I'm going to get in -- I'm just going to be efficient as all hell. Wait... hell is efficient, yeah? I imagine it'd have to be managed pretty well... well, I'll stick with what I said.
I do wish I had time to fit Capoeira in there, though... I've been thinking about it a lot again lately.
Time to go outside!
1 comment:
Awesome pictures. Kelly is looking quite cute. As always, you and your crazy schedules! I seem to be experiencing ADD.
You'll do fine this school year though. Things will be exactly what they need to be. Have faith, old faithful.
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