Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I'm frustrated.

I wrote out why I'm frustrated, and then I realized: no one needs to hear it.  We've all got our frustrations at times.  I just wish my f'ing mind would shut off at 10:30 like it usually does, rather than 3:00 AM like it has been.  This whole 4-5 hours a night deal is not cutting it, and I can feel my optimism leeching away.  I also have to give a few massages at the clinic in the AM, aiee... kay, that's all.

By the way, and totally unrelated: being a crab fisher would be the gnarliest job.  I wish I could try it, or that women would even be considered for employment for it, just so I could see what one of the most deadly occupations is like.  Though considering they sometimes go 48+ hours without sleep and I'm wanking about my own amount, maybe it wouldn't be the wisest career choice.  But yeah, I've been watching a bit of Deadliest Catch on Discovery, obviously.

I feel like biting someone.  Is that odd?  Good.  Raaaawr.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't you love it when you can go back over something you wrote and simply erase it all? I like that it lets you get down to a concise root of the problem. Just an interesting thought- I'm sorry you've not been sleeping much! Good luck today.