Sunday, July 26, 2009

A couple of goals

[Bruno ze Frenchie]

A few things to strive for in regards to training:

-Complete the new Snatch Test (100 reps in 5 minutes) with the 20kg kettlebell
-Do 200 snatches in 10 minutes with the 16kg kettlebell
-Snatch the 32kg kettlebell
-Press the 24kg kettlebell
-Learn the pistol

1. Complete the new Snatch Test (100 reps in 5 minutes) with the 20kg kettlebell:
I'm fairly certain I can already do this. I attempted it a couple of months back, and stopped at 78 reps with 1:20 to go due to hot hands, and haven't done it since. I'm going to get this done before the certification next month.

2. Do 200 snatches in 10 minutes with the 16kg kettlebell:
I believe I can do this, too. I haven't attempted it yet, and I know it's a huge mental exercise along with a feat of endurance. So um, I might be being a little bit optimistic. I'll be shooting for this one in the next week or two.

3. Snatch the 32kg kettlebell:
Is it ballsy to say that I think I've got it in me? I snatched the 28kg 'bell at the LA Fit Expo in January. I'm going for it, though; just need to make sure the hands are fresh, and I'll be doing a negative press from the top to the rack.

4. Press the 24kg kettlebell:
This one I'm definitely a little be ashamed of. For all my other feats, my press tends to be my weak point; a certain someone seems to think it's in my head, and I'm inclined to agree to a degree. Recently my presses have gotten a lot more solid due to a tweak in my breathing pattern that's caused me to be much tighter. A lot of presses need to be done; this one might have to wait until after the cert.

5. Learn the pistol:
This is something I've always meant to work on, have said I'll work on, and never do. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to train this, but I'll post when I get some tips and suggestions from a more knowledgeable source.

Also, I did a get up with the 32kg kettlebell again yesterday after having not for a month or so, and it felt very solid. I'll keep with this weight for a bit, and then look into maybe trying something a little heavier...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Well... I may have gotten a bit behind in my updating of the blog. I haven't felt inspired to write for awhile; it doesn't help that the schedule continues to be very full, largely in a very good way.

(And yes, going to Hawaii was part of that! That was last month... holy @*&%)

There isn't a great deal to report. I went to Ohio with Doug this last weekend to visit his family, and also to attend the workshop that he and his fellow instructor, Dave Whitley, Senior RKC , held in Medina (photos of the workshop are at the end of this blog). It's always valuable to have another pair of eyes watching what you're doing, particularly when you're planning on becoming a certified training in the next month. There are a few minor things I need to iron out, and I appreciate the instruction!

My training has been a little bit inconsistent recently. I'm maintaining my strength, but I need to step it up a bit, especially since the cert. is a mere 6 weeks away.

Anyway, I'll write more later. I plan on being much more on top of updating this blog, particularly with my preparation for the upcoming cert. in San Diego.

Enjoy the slideshow!