Trivium - 'Pull Harder on the Strings of Your Martyr'
Definitely wanting to see a great metal show! I just looked up the Wall of Death on YouTube... RIDICULOUS!
I'm so damn grateful for the people in my life that see that there's something to pursue in life, that it's not about getting through the week so everyone can get cronked on the weekend. I don't want to judge anyone, anyone can do whatever they want to their bodies, but I can't give my approval when it's expected of me if I think what you're doing is absolute shit. Just chit-chatting in class with nearby classmates, it's all about how drunk you got, or the new iPhone, or the new pair of face-encompassing glasses you bought, or bagging on your boyfriend/girlfriend. Not that I'm bagging on making some purchases, just use moderation and know that it's not what it's all about. Or saying because you don't feel like writing a paper, you definitely have ADD and should be on Aderol. Huh!? I just don't understand most people my age anymore. Where did the pride in self, the intent of action, the self drive and motivation, the ambition, the need to know and learn, disappear to?
But anyway. I did a great sprint workout on Sunday with Tim and his co-worker, and kettlebell class was great as always last night. We did about 120 yards of the grad. workout towards the end, and I was really feeling the rhythm of it and powering through. I can feel how much stronger I've gotten, and I absolutely love it. I also love seeing other people make strides and take pride in that. My friend, who's never done any form of weight-lifting or training before, couldn't press the 18 lbs. hardly once on her left side when she began classes about a month ago. Now she can do it for reps, and is so excited about making further advancements and strength gains. I wish all of the people I knew would be infected like this!!
Gonna take it easy today, I've had some muscle cramps that need to let go today. Tomorrow is going to be an intense kettlebell workout though.
I also start Sports Massage class tonight! It's going to make the schedule a little crazy, but I'm so looking forward to it.
This is a random note, but I really don't know what I want to do with my life, and I'm at the point where I really wish I had a clear idea. I know I want to help people, hands on. I've thought of medical school, nursing, and more recently, osteopathy -- holistic medicine. That appeals to me a lot, but there's some other aspect I want. I want to make huge changes for people and the world in some way, and I want to figure out the best way I can do that on many levels. I'm just waiting for it to dawn on me as I keep foraging ahead.
You are all fantastic people. Thank you for nothing more than being who and what you are!
A blog about the journey for strength, the cultivation of mind, the expansion of heart. And sometimes, it's just a tirade on superfluous brain fluff.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Life is perspective. It's going to be a certain way if your mindset is bent to that angle, which can either be a positive or negative one.
I've been quite busy lately, but I'm finding that I've been just fine with that. Today was the first day in just shy of two weeks where I actually was able to sleep in, and that's because I skipped my class this morning. I've really been feeling pretty good about all of the busyness, though; I'm making everything my own and so I can't be a victim to it. Doing great in school, great with fitness--aside from this last week, I must say I was a little bit off the ball--great with taking steps forward instead of back.
I went on a hike yesterday and then went to Rusty's strength and conditioning class, which KICKED ASS! It was only women funnily enough, but he didn't go any easier on us which we all appreciated. The last set was an absolute beast, and we were all curled up on the ground at the end with Rusty standing overheard, laughing. So good!
I also did a short kettlebell workout today also, all with a 16kg:
20 swings
10 MP each arm
20 swings
4 Turkish Get-ups either side
20 swings
15 snatches each arm
20 swings
5 Windmills either side
20 swings
Feeling pretty awesome. Got a lot of research to do, but I'm going to hit the beach first. Hope everyone's doing fantastically!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Holy ****!
I've been attending this Compressive Deep Tissue workshop this weekend, which is where I learn how to step on people and make them hurt in nice ways that open up their bodies.
But holy crap! I've noticed lately that my hips and quads are just freakin' solid, and I've noticed how it affects how I walk. Well, my partner yesterday completely opened up my hips, and my feet, which have deviated laterally when I lay on my back for years, are now much more as they should be! (Toes pointed towards the sky) And today she worked on my quads, particularly my rector femoris, and wow... I can withstand a lot of physical pain, but that just about pushed me over the edge. After working for 20 minutes on my left quad alone, there was still one portion that would not budge and was almost making me writhe. When I stood up, my quads just felt shredded and so sore, but were immensely looser than they had been, and it really translated into my gait. AMAZING stuff! I think my quads are so tight because I tend to use my quads and TFL for hip flexion as opposed to using my psoas, which is what we're supposed to do. We also learned deep compressions on the TFL and psoas, which often get adherred and cause lower back pain. Super interesting.
Whew. x_x
But holy crap! I've noticed lately that my hips and quads are just freakin' solid, and I've noticed how it affects how I walk. Well, my partner yesterday completely opened up my hips, and my feet, which have deviated laterally when I lay on my back for years, are now much more as they should be! (Toes pointed towards the sky) And today she worked on my quads, particularly my rector femoris, and wow... I can withstand a lot of physical pain, but that just about pushed me over the edge. After working for 20 minutes on my left quad alone, there was still one portion that would not budge and was almost making me writhe. When I stood up, my quads just felt shredded and so sore, but were immensely looser than they had been, and it really translated into my gait. AMAZING stuff! I think my quads are so tight because I tend to use my quads and TFL for hip flexion as opposed to using my psoas, which is what we're supposed to do. We also learned deep compressions on the TFL and psoas, which often get adherred and cause lower back pain. Super interesting.
Whew. x_x
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
In Flames is an awesome band. That said, this music video for their song "The Mirror's Truth" is one of the weirdest music videos I've ever seen:
The day was really busy, had an early morning, went to school and gave a couple of massages. All in all though, a great day. I bought a kettlebell last night for my friend who's really wanting to workout more but doesn't have access to workout equipment or the money for it. Oh, and he's become totally obsessed with kettlebells since Tim and I introduced him to it. Can't wait till it gets here and I get to see his reaction! It's sort of a late birthday present. What better gift to give than fitness!
The day was really busy, had an early morning, went to school and gave a couple of massages. All in all though, a great day. I bought a kettlebell last night for my friend who's really wanting to workout more but doesn't have access to workout equipment or the money for it. Oh, and he's become totally obsessed with kettlebells since Tim and I introduced him to it. Can't wait till it gets here and I get to see his reaction! It's sort of a late birthday present. What better gift to give than fitness!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Purty pleased
My feet are filthy, the callouses on my hands are raw, my muscles are sore and tired, and my head is full of stimulating thoughts on academics and excitement for life.
Perfect. =)
Perfect. =)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Imbalances: Yin and Yang
The relationship between the body, the mind and the spirit is absolutely astounding. I got a massage yesterday from one of my teachers who is really astute and fantastic at what he does. The other day at massage clinics I was standing outside, waiting for my next client to show up, when Michael -- my teacher -- asked me if I was okay. Well, I had some emotional stuff going on, but was okay. Why did he ask? Because my left shoulder was high. I've recognized this in other people but didn't notice it in myself: my left shoulder was acting to shield my heart. My body was physically responding to my emotions, acting to defend my heart from outside harm. (I'm sitting outside right now on my laptop and am watching a doe walk through the trees in front of me -- awesome.)
During my massage, Michael noted that I'm carrying a lot of tension in my hips, which is usually a physical manifestation of emotions tied to relationships and/or survival instinct. Also, the left side of my body --aside from my shoulder -- is relatively loose, compared to my right side. He said my right side -- shoulder, lower back, glutes, hamstrings, adductors, calf, everything -- was just solid. What's interesting is that the left side of the body is considered to be the yin half -- the female half -- while the right side is the yang, or masculine, side. He asked me, "Are you acting tougher than you really are?"
I guess that's a good way of putting it.
He asked me to really analyze why my body is in the condition it's in, and that's something I've really thought about for the last 24 hours.
I've been suppressing so much stuff, because I've felt that accepting it would be considered weak, and I felt like everyone just wants me to be tough all of the time anyway. What exactly IS "tough"? I feel like "tough" is an act, where you "man up" or "suck it up" and push it back into a recess of your mind that you won't allow to be addressed until it explodes out of you someday. I feel true strength is looking your fear in the face and acknowledging it, and either wrestling with it or thoughtfully letting it go with direct intention. That means crying if you need to, feeling any way you need to feel, and being PRESENT with everything even when it absolutely sucks, or hurts like hell. What genuine, thoughtful person ever thought a man shedding tears is actually weak? Or that a woman is too thin-skinned because she does feel everything so strongly? It's how we handle difficult situations that shows our strength. Do you avoid your fear, immerse yourself in other things to distract yourself, live in a way that isn't true to your soulful intuition? There is no honor, nor strength, in any of that. That is a base form of flight, primal and completely lacking a higher level of personal understanding.
Live with integrity. Live with heart. Know yourself.
This is the 19th anniversary of my sister's death, and now, more than ever, I feel that I am truly honoring and celebrating her life. And missing her more than ever, always.
During my massage, Michael noted that I'm carrying a lot of tension in my hips, which is usually a physical manifestation of emotions tied to relationships and/or survival instinct. Also, the left side of my body --aside from my shoulder -- is relatively loose, compared to my right side. He said my right side -- shoulder, lower back, glutes, hamstrings, adductors, calf, everything -- was just solid. What's interesting is that the left side of the body is considered to be the yin half -- the female half -- while the right side is the yang, or masculine, side. He asked me, "Are you acting tougher than you really are?"
I guess that's a good way of putting it.
He asked me to really analyze why my body is in the condition it's in, and that's something I've really thought about for the last 24 hours.
I've been suppressing so much stuff, because I've felt that accepting it would be considered weak, and I felt like everyone just wants me to be tough all of the time anyway. What exactly IS "tough"? I feel like "tough" is an act, where you "man up" or "suck it up" and push it back into a recess of your mind that you won't allow to be addressed until it explodes out of you someday. I feel true strength is looking your fear in the face and acknowledging it, and either wrestling with it or thoughtfully letting it go with direct intention. That means crying if you need to, feeling any way you need to feel, and being PRESENT with everything even when it absolutely sucks, or hurts like hell. What genuine, thoughtful person ever thought a man shedding tears is actually weak? Or that a woman is too thin-skinned because she does feel everything so strongly? It's how we handle difficult situations that shows our strength. Do you avoid your fear, immerse yourself in other things to distract yourself, live in a way that isn't true to your soulful intuition? There is no honor, nor strength, in any of that. That is a base form of flight, primal and completely lacking a higher level of personal understanding.
Live with integrity. Live with heart. Know yourself.
This is the 19th anniversary of my sister's death, and now, more than ever, I feel that I am truly honoring and celebrating her life. And missing her more than ever, always.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
All about strength... except for one strange paragraph
I have been perpetually sore since Sunday -- extreme tastiness. My upper back especially has been totally demolished. I was surprised that my abs weren't more sore after the workout at kettlebell class on Monday -- just some twingy serratus stuff! The body is definitely tired, though I'll probably do another KB workout today.
I'm really pleased with my strength gains, which are most notable in my core, my shoulders and upper back. It's really something else to just feel good almost all of the time, as opposed to the other way around -- I still haven't gotten over that. I hope I never do.
I was hanging out on campus yesterday with a guy friend of mine, and we were comparing obscure muscle composition. I blew him out of the water with legs and abs, he beat me with forearms obviously and one muscle in particular ("That's your jack-off muscle -- unfair advantage!") and barely beat me out on rear-delts. We didn't compare triceps, but I'm pretty sure I would've had him there, too. What hit me then is that I'm really up there with a lot of the boys, and pretty damn strong for a woman. There's a lot more to do, but I allowed myself a moment to pat myself on the back. Leaps and bounds of progress from lots of hard work, frustration, pain, tears, sweat and sometimes blood, but ALWAYS exactly what needs to be done and a journey that will hopefully never end!
Side note: last night my girl friends and I were looking online at different bedroom-appropriate costumes... ahem... and were finding some great stuff before stumbling across man lingerie. Now, don't get me wrong, if they could figure out how to make really sexy man lingerie, I'd say GO FOR IT! Maybe they have, and I just haven't seen it. But a man-thong with a fuzzy elephant head and trunk placed over the junk is just not my idea of sexy, for some odd reason. Admittedly, I'd probably have a very memorable laugh if I was confronted with one. I'd totally post the picture of it if I wasn't at school right now. Bummer, huh?
Anyway, back to the point for a minute. I think what people tend to disregard when they consider getting into better physical shape is that not only will they look and feel better about themselves, but their entire mentality will be more positive, especially when you're eating healthy and giving your body exactly what it needs. When people are in-tune with their body and really get it, they understand that it's more than just an art of sculpting one's body -- it's also an exercise for one's mind and mental strength. Somehow, it can even become a spiritual practice. Our body is our haven that harbors the essence of what we are, and if we don't care for it everything else starts to lose structural integrity, too. Who and what we are is all conjoined in some perfect balance that I hope to figure out to the very core.
What a trip!
I'm really pleased with my strength gains, which are most notable in my core, my shoulders and upper back. It's really something else to just feel good almost all of the time, as opposed to the other way around -- I still haven't gotten over that. I hope I never do.
I was hanging out on campus yesterday with a guy friend of mine, and we were comparing obscure muscle composition. I blew him out of the water with legs and abs, he beat me with forearms obviously and one muscle in particular ("That's your jack-off muscle -- unfair advantage!") and barely beat me out on rear-delts. We didn't compare triceps, but I'm pretty sure I would've had him there, too. What hit me then is that I'm really up there with a lot of the boys, and pretty damn strong for a woman. There's a lot more to do, but I allowed myself a moment to pat myself on the back. Leaps and bounds of progress from lots of hard work, frustration, pain, tears, sweat and sometimes blood, but ALWAYS exactly what needs to be done and a journey that will hopefully never end!
Side note: last night my girl friends and I were looking online at different bedroom-appropriate costumes... ahem... and were finding some great stuff before stumbling across man lingerie. Now, don't get me wrong, if they could figure out how to make really sexy man lingerie, I'd say GO FOR IT! Maybe they have, and I just haven't seen it. But a man-thong with a fuzzy elephant head and trunk placed over the junk is just not my idea of sexy, for some odd reason. Admittedly, I'd probably have a very memorable laugh if I was confronted with one. I'd totally post the picture of it if I wasn't at school right now. Bummer, huh?
Anyway, back to the point for a minute. I think what people tend to disregard when they consider getting into better physical shape is that not only will they look and feel better about themselves, but their entire mentality will be more positive, especially when you're eating healthy and giving your body exactly what it needs. When people are in-tune with their body and really get it, they understand that it's more than just an art of sculpting one's body -- it's also an exercise for one's mind and mental strength. Somehow, it can even become a spiritual practice. Our body is our haven that harbors the essence of what we are, and if we don't care for it everything else starts to lose structural integrity, too. Who and what we are is all conjoined in some perfect balance that I hope to figure out to the very core.
What a trip!
(And I'm doing THIS again in the next month or so):

Friday, September 5, 2008
Quiet, quiet...
This has been a lonely sort of week. No family, friends aren't available or are evasive, empty house, and a bunch of homework and real estate people acclaiming the worth of home.
Isolation's nice, but I need time to connect with people, too. I don't like this. I'm trying to be present with it and do my own thing, but after five days it gets almost exhausting. I don't like to think I'm dependent on other people to be happy, but I do know that I crave quality interactions. Anyway, I need to drop down a bit before I give a massage in an hour, shift gears... get over it.
But hey. I guess let's put things in perspective. With spectacular visions of beauty like this in your hometown --

--things can't be too bad.
Isolation's nice, but I need time to connect with people, too. I don't like this. I'm trying to be present with it and do my own thing, but after five days it gets almost exhausting. I don't like to think I'm dependent on other people to be happy, but I do know that I crave quality interactions. Anyway, I need to drop down a bit before I give a massage in an hour, shift gears... get over it.
But hey. I guess let's put things in perspective. With spectacular visions of beauty like this in your hometown --
--things can't be too bad.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Where's the bear-skin rug!?
It's been a long, full day, and all I want right now is a e-fucking-normous cup of hot cocoa with gobs of whipped cream, a big sweatshirt, a roaring fireplace, and yes -- a bear-skin rug at my feet. Fake, of course. This is not toooo much to ask for, right? ;)
Woke up at 6 AM after having a gnarly nightmare. I dreamed that I went to visit a friend's dying relative in the hospital -- don't know who the person was, I think it wasn't really anyone I know-- with his little kids. The person in the hospital bed was a very old woman, and very naked. She had some kind of energy coming out of her in a strand, like some kind of sci-fi lifeline, I guess. Everyone is standing around, very somber. Then all of a sudden the lifeline is corrupted by a red energy that shoots into her, and as my friend shouts "NO!" the woman on the bed sits bolt upright, eyes wide open, and screams some otherwordly scream. She then proceeds to dispose of the friend and the two kids in rather gruesome ways, and flees. For some reason I've got a gun, and I riddle her full of holes, but it does nothing and she turns to me and jumps at me -- and then I wake up. AHHH! Where the hell did THAT come from!?! o_O
Anyways, I feel relatively accomplished:
-Went to English class, owned it
-Went to lunch with a friend
-Came back to parents' house, found a photographer here taking pictures for when the house goes on the market. Ended up helping him out for awhile.
-Had a heart-to-heart with myself, straightened some things out
-Worked in the garden
-Gave someone four piercings today
-Went to Rusty's class, awesome times
-Rushed home to show around prospective buyers of parents' house
-Laughed at McCain's acceptance speech while cooking dinner
I guess that's really all. I'm getting my hair re-dyed tomorrow, and I'm not sure if I want to do black and purple again or black and dark blue. Hmm... oh, the dilemmas of life! Life's rough.
Woke up at 6 AM after having a gnarly nightmare. I dreamed that I went to visit a friend's dying relative in the hospital -- don't know who the person was, I think it wasn't really anyone I know-- with his little kids. The person in the hospital bed was a very old woman, and very naked. She had some kind of energy coming out of her in a strand, like some kind of sci-fi lifeline, I guess. Everyone is standing around, very somber. Then all of a sudden the lifeline is corrupted by a red energy that shoots into her, and as my friend shouts "NO!" the woman on the bed sits bolt upright, eyes wide open, and screams some otherwordly scream. She then proceeds to dispose of the friend and the two kids in rather gruesome ways, and flees. For some reason I've got a gun, and I riddle her full of holes, but it does nothing and she turns to me and jumps at me -- and then I wake up. AHHH! Where the hell did THAT come from!?! o_O
Anyways, I feel relatively accomplished:
-Went to English class, owned it
-Went to lunch with a friend
-Came back to parents' house, found a photographer here taking pictures for when the house goes on the market. Ended up helping him out for awhile.
-Had a heart-to-heart with myself, straightened some things out
-Worked in the garden
-Gave someone four piercings today
-Went to Rusty's class, awesome times
-Rushed home to show around prospective buyers of parents' house
-Laughed at McCain's acceptance speech while cooking dinner
I guess that's really all. I'm getting my hair re-dyed tomorrow, and I'm not sure if I want to do black and purple again or black and dark blue. Hmm... oh, the dilemmas of life! Life's rough.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Ahhh, so much to do, so much to work on, so much to improve! This is the way of things. To reach one's fullest potential, there is no ceasing. That doesn't mean don't have a good time -- just don't stagnate. Never stagnate! Except for Winston. He lives in perpetual stagnation and gets away with it. He can drive a car while stagnating:
Well, getting off topic. Life is a ceaseless journey of self-exploration, self-awareness and self-improvement, all so we can live life as fully for ourselves and others as is possible. And I do mean for others AND for ourselves -- both are important.
I'm am nearing the point of bumping into Procrastination -- someone whom I've avoided quite well so far. Ta-ta for now, have a lovely evening!

Well, getting off topic. Life is a ceaseless journey of self-exploration, self-awareness and self-improvement, all so we can live life as fully for ourselves and others as is possible. And I do mean for others AND for ourselves -- both are important.
I'm am nearing the point of bumping into Procrastination -- someone whom I've avoided quite well so far. Ta-ta for now, have a lovely evening!
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